eBusiness, "New Economy" LinksBrad DeLong's home page is rare for academics in that he actually updates it with good stuff on a regular basis. He has much to say on the "new economy," both ideas and facts.Erik Brynjolfsson has co-authored several important papers on empirical issues in eBusiness. These can be identified, and sometimes downloaded, at Brynjolfsson's web site. Clayton Christensen's The Innovator's Dilemma, is an influential, and stimulating account of how disruptive innovations succeed, and why incumbent firms usually do not survive the disruption. Applications and elaborations of this theme can be found on Christensen's Innosight web site. In Telecosm, George Gilder is often over-the-top, but he has guts, and reading his breathless prose is fun. His tech speculations are taken seriously by important folk such as Bill Gates and Robert Metcalfe. On Gilder's web site he has samples of his current thoughts, and various forms of self-promotion. Bill Gates has a page that has some useful links and supplementary material for his Business @ the Speed of Thought book. Shapiro and Varian's Information Rules feels a bit out-dated in the post-irrational-exuberance era, but the book still has some useful analysis, tools and examples. The authors can explain the success of eBay, for example, on the basis of demand-side economies of scale, a.k.a. network economies. Varian has a web site that has some useful links. Libertarian James K. Glassman used to host a useful program on PBS called "TechnoPolitics." Now some of the same issues are discussed on his Tech Central Station web site. Some companies that failed are documented in the "Museum of E-Failure."
History of Economic Thought LinksCarlyle penned the infamous phrase "dismal science" as a description of economics. David Levy and Sandra Peart in their "The Secret History of the Dismal Science" show that Carlyle's hatred of economists arose because the leading economists of the day did not share Carlyle's racism. A brilliantly scripted cassette that summarizes the wit and wisdom of early Chicago economist Frank Knight can be purchased at the Knight page of the Knowledge Products web site. Coupe's page on the economics of economics
Research Tools Links
Tom Coupe has compiled some useful links on the economics of economics. Download a free Microsoft program to view PowerPoint files.
Misc. LinksDocumentation of the launch of the shuttle Discovery on May 29, 1999. Amusing, but generally false, view of 'what economists do all day.' The Art Diamond Toastmasters Club was named for my late father, who once served as President of Toastmasters International.